supermarket comparison

M&S - Gluten vs Gluten Free Basket Comparison

Marks & Sparks basket prices are put to the test; how expensive really is M&S in comparison to the other supermarkets?

M&S food shop

Table of Contents

Visit our blog page to read the introduction to the Glee gluten free basket comparison so you know what itā€™s all about, or click here.

So far, weā€™ve compared the prices at Morrisons and Sainsburyā€™s so make sure you check out the blogs below before you read this weekā€™s.

Just a reminder, weā€™re comparing the price of 9 gluten free products with their gluten containing version across 8 of the UKā€™s major supermarkets to see where the cheapest place to shop for gluten free is.

Of course, we know that cheap isnā€™t always best (especially for gluten free) but this comparison will allow us to clearly highlight the price differences between basic gluten and gluten free items and see how prices vary between the supermarkets.

Weā€™ve created a dedicated comparison page on our website to keep track of the supermarket prices weā€™re reviewing. Click here to see the leaderboard šŸ†

Up this week, itā€™s Marks & Spencer!

Porridge oats

M&S Porridge Oats

Porridge Oats 500g
33p per 100g

M&S Gluten Free Porridge Oats

Made Without Porridge Oats 500g
48p per 100g

M&S normal porridge oats are Ā£1.65 for a 500g pack vs gluten free oats which are priced at Ā£2.40 for the same amount, 500g.

By shopping at M&S, you would be paying Ā 75pĀ  more for the gluten free oats which is a Ā 45%Ā  increase in product price. Not too bad for M&S so farā€¦

Because the two items both weigh the same, if you work our the price per weight, then gluten free oats are Ā 15pĀ  more, which is another increase of Ā 45% .

Box of cereal

M&S Special Flakes

Special Flakes 500g
40p per 100g

M&S Gluten Free Special Flakes

Made Without Special Flakes 375g
56p per 100g

M&S own special flakes are Ā£2.00 for a 500g pack with the gluten free cereal coming in only 10p more expensive, but for 125g less, at Ā£2.10.

So, looking at the product price only, buying gluten free cereal means youā€™re only spending Ā 10pĀ  more which is a tiny Ā 5%Ā  increase.

However, this is why we always need to consider the price per 100g, because although the gluten free cereal is only 10p more per product, you arenā€™t getting the same amount for your money. Per 100g, gluten free cereal is Ā 16pĀ  more expensive which is a much bigger increase of Ā 40% .

Loaf of white/brown/seeded bread

M&S Seeded Loaf

Seeded Loaf 400g
33p per 100g

M&S Gluten Free Seeded Loaf

Made Without Seeded Loaf 400g
75p per 100g

Back up to the bigger difference now with a 400g seeded loaf at M&S costing you Ā£1.30, whereas a 400g gluten free seeded loaf setting you back Ā£3.00; more than double the price of the normal loaf!

Buying the gluten free loaf means youā€™re spending Ā Ā£1.70Ā  more, which is a percentage increase of Ā 131%Ā .

Per 100g, the gluten free loaf costs Ā 43pĀ  more and thatā€™s another Ā 131%Ā  increase.

Pack of 4 white/brown/seeded bread rolls

M&S White Rolls

6 White Rolls 350g
53p per 100g

M&S Gluten Free White Rolls

Made Without 4 White Rolls 300g
97p per 100g

For the rolls, my M&S didnā€™t have a 4 pack so the only option was a 6 pack. The 6 pack of gluten rolls cost Ā£1.85 whereas the 4 pack of gluten free rolls cost Ā£2.90.

Thatā€™s a price increase of Ā Ā£1.05Ā  for the gluten free rolls which is Ā 57%Ā  more expensive than the gluten product even though youā€™re getting 2 less rolls.

So, per 100g, the gluten free rolls cost Ā 44pĀ  more with an Ā 83%Ā  increase.


M&S Pasta

Penne Pasta 500g
15 p per 100g

M&S Gluten Free Pasta

Made Without Penne Pasta 500g
35p per 100g

M&S has launched a campaign called ā€˜Remarksableā€™ which aims to offer everyday staples at a lower price. The normal penne pasta is included in this range and costs 75p (matching Sainsburyā€™s price for all pasta) but unfortunately, they havenā€™t included their gluten free pasta in the lower price range which is priced at Ā£1.75.

The price of gluten free pasta at M&S is Ā Ā£1.00Ā  more than itā€™s normal range pasta and that is a Ā 133%Ā  increase.

Considering that the ingredients in the M&S gluten free pasta are exactly the same as whatā€™s in other gluten free pasta, like Morrisons, youā€™re paying a lot more shopping at M&S.

Per 100g, gluten free pasta at M&S is Ā 20pĀ  more and is Ā 133%Ā  more expensive than the normal pasta.


M&S Spaghetti

Spaghetti 500g
15p per 100g

M&S Gluten Free Spaghetti

Made Without Spaghetti 500g
35p per 100g

The spaghetti prices are exactly the same as the pasta, with the normal spaghetti also included in the M&S ā€˜Remarksableā€™ deal which is 75p but gluten free at Ā£1.75, both weighing 500g.

Again, that means that the gluten free spaghetti costs Ā Ā£1.00Ā  more and is Ā 133%Ā  more expensive than the normal spaghetti.

Per 100g, the gluten free spaghetti costs Ā 20pĀ  more and is a Ā 133%Ā  increase.

Plain flour

M&S Plain Flour

Plain Flour 1.5kg
6p per 100g

M&S Gluten Free Plain Flour

Made Without Plain White Flour 1kg
20p per 100g

M&S do have their own gluten free flour which is priced at Ā£2.00 for 1kg but their own branded normal flour comes in more than half the price at 85p for 500g more.

So the gluten free flour is Ā Ā£1.15Ā  more expensive and thatā€™s Ā 135%Ā  more expensive than the standard flour.

But, when you consider the prices per 100g, it getā€™s even more expensive; the gluten free flour is Ā 14pĀ  more expensive which is a large 253%Ā  increase.

Digestive biscuits

M&S Digestives

Digestive Biscuits 400g
20p per 100g

M&S Gluten Free Digestives

Made Without Digestive Biscuits 150g
Ā£1.00 per 100g

If thereā€™s anything Iā€™ve learnt from this supermarket comparison so far, itā€™s that the price of basic gluten free digestive biscuits are so much more expensive than the normal gluten range. A normal 400g packet of digestive biscuits will cost you 80p but for a 150g pack of gluten free digestive biscuits, youā€™ll be spending Ā£1.50.

That means that youā€™re spending Ā 70pĀ  more having to buy gluten free digestive biscuits which is an Ā 88%Ā  increase on price per product.

That might not seem so bad, but like always, when you consider how much youā€™re getting for those two prices, itā€™s clear that thereā€™s an unfair price difference. For the normal digestives, youā€™re getting 400g worth but for the gluten free digestives, youā€™re only getting 150g. Thatā€™s less than half the amount and means that per 100g, the gluten free biscuits are Ā 80pĀ  more expensive with a big percentage increase of Ā 400%Ā . Not quite as bad as Sainsburyā€™s, as that was a 554% increase, but still a big one!

Gravy Granules

M&S Gravy

Gravy 350g
69p per 100g

M&S Gluten Free Gravy

Made Without Gravy 300g
97p per 100g

Searching M&S, I didnā€™t find any gravy granules for normal or gluten free but they did have pre-mixed packaged gravy for both, so thatā€™s what weā€™re comparing. They also didnā€™t have an image of the gluten free gravy online, so weā€™re stuck with mine!

Whilst the 350g packet of gravy containing wheat will cost you Ā£2.40,Ā gluten free gravy will cost Ā£2.90 for 300g.

For gluten free gravy, youā€™re having to spend Ā 50pĀ  more for the product which is a Ā 21%Ā  increase on the gluten containing pack.

Per 100g, thatā€™s Ā 28pĀ  more expensive and an increase of Ā 41%Ā , when youā€™re buying gluten free.


M&S Gluten Basket

Gluten Basket
Total cost Ā£12.35
Per 100g Ā£2.83

M&S Gluten Free Basket

Gluten Free Basket
Total cost Ā£20.30
Per 100g Ā£5.62

So, the baskets have been filled and the total price for each basket has been calculated. At M&S, the basket containing all of the normal gluten containing products comes to Ā£12.35. It will cost you Ā Ā£7.95Ā  more however, to buy the gluten free basket, which has totalled up to Ā£20.30. Thatā€™s an increase of Ā 64%Ā .

If we look at the baskets in quantity/weight, the total price per 100g for each item in the gluten basket comes to Ā£2.83. The gluten free basket however, is just under double the price that at Ā£5.62 which is Ā Ā£2.80Ā  more expensive and an increase of Ā 99%Ā .

As expected, M&S has come out the most costly for the supermarkets weā€™ve compared so far for both total basket price and the price per 100g. Compared to Sainsburyā€™s which was last weekā€™s supermarket, the M&S shop cost Ā£6.44 more for the gluten free basket and per 100g it was Ā£1.24 more expensive which is quite a big difference.

Unlike Sainsburyā€™s, however, it doesnā€™t look like the gluten free products are ridiculously more expensive than the gluten free products. Now, that doesnā€™t mean that M&S gluten free range is cheap or that thereā€™s not still a frustrating price increase, but that the prices in general are higher for both gluten and gluten free. As we saw in last weekā€™s blog, there was a staggering 175% increase per 100g between the two baskets at Sainsburyā€™s but the M&S difference was much less, at 99%.

Does this price breakdown put you off shopping at M&S or do you accept the increased price if you prefer the taste or overall quality?

Or are you like me and just enjoy feeling super fancy shopping at M&S!?

Waitrose is next so keep an eye out for M&Sā€™ biggest price competitor for this study!